Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Find Your Howl

Jonathon Flaum writes about becoming who you really are and finding your inner voice, or how he phrases it “Find your Howl.”  Out of the two stories that Flaum tells I personally connected with the second one the most.  In this, Flaum talks about how in the 5th grade, a classmate of his wrote a story about how a tiger at the zoo is locked in his cage forever.  The 5th grade version of Flaum is saddened by this but has a revelation that the only way the tiger can break free is for the cage to die.  He parallels this with how part of you has to die as well in your journey to find your voice.  He says, “It is by completely releasing the hold on our inauthentic voice that it releases us and our authentic voice shows up.”  The “inauthentic voice” is the part of you that has to die.  The “inauthentic voice” is our cage. 

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