Saturday, June 4, 2011

10B: Extra Credit: MPM's Manifesto

To be honest, I'm not the biggest fan of blogging.  I thought it was the hardest part of 203.  I didn't like the fact that other people were going to be seeing my thoughts. But, after a while I didn't really mind them as much and got over the fact that people could read what I wrote.  I do however, like the fact that for our final blog we get to write out own manifesto.  So here it is! My thoughts on life and creativity!

Morgan’s Manifesto
1.)  Do what you feel, not what others expect you to do.
2.)  Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain. Do things in the moment.
3.)  Be passionate, even if it means acting a little crazy.
4.)  Don’t be afraid of criticism.  Take it, think about it, and do what you want with it. 
5.)   There is beauty in everything, sometimes it is just a little harder to find.
6.)  Sing. Dance. Be Happy.
7.)  Collaboration is not always a bad thing.  Two heads (or 35 heads) are better than one.
8.)  Try everything once.  Don’t be afraid of the unknown.
9.)  Caffeine is the solution to every problem.
10.)                 Never smash a perfectly good guitar.

My manifesto includes my favorite of the life lessons I have acquired over my 19 years of existence.  These are guidelines I try to live by and include in my creativity.  Some might not seem like they are relevant to being creative but they pertinent (in my opinion) to inspire creativity.

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